Book an Appointment
We provide Bulk-Billed (no out of pocket expense) psychological therapy during the week and after hours at nights and on weekends at various locations across Melbourne. We are also offering Telehealth by telephone and Zoom video call during this time.
Individual Therapy
I want to book an appointment and I am:
Group Therapy
To view and book our group therapy programs please click here
Relationship Counselling
For more information and to book online now click here
Problem-Solving Session
For more information and to book online now click here
Please note: Mums Matter Psychology is not a crisis service. If you are experiencing severe distress or are contemplating suicide, please go to your closest Hospital Emergency Department, call 000 or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you would like to speak to someone for support and counselling over the phone, please call the Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia helpline on 1300 726 306.