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Upcoming Events

Mind in Labour (Workshop)

This workshop, presented by Frances Bilbao (Clinical Psychologist and founder of Mums Matter Psychology), is appropriate for pregnant women approaching labour. Often pain and anxiety are our greatest challenges in childbirth. Learning to use our mind to work with these challenges can make a huge difference in our labor and delivery experiences. The Mind in Labor workshop is an opportunity to look deeply at pain and fear in childbirth and to cultivate present moment awareness for meeting whatever childbirth experience might unfold. The workshop is an excellent complement to any childbirth education class,

During this workshop we will learn to:

  • Practice mindfulness and its applications for working with pain and fear during labor

  • Understand the mind/body connection in childbirth and how mindful awareness can be a critical element in facilitating the birth process

  • Experience using different strategies to anchor you to the present moment

Date:  Thursday 18th April

Time:  7:00pm - 9:00pm 

Location: Sunshine Maternal and Child Health Centre (31A Alexandra Ave Sunshine)

Investment:  $30 per person

Your partners are also welcome to attend the event. Please book for 2 people if your partner is also attending. To ensure you are able to make the most of the workshop, children are advised to stay at home. 

Hand on Bump
Birthing Centre Room
Newborn Baby with Mom
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