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Mindful Parenting Group

Mindful Parenting Group

Would you like to feel, act, or think differently when it comes to parenting? Don't know how or where to start? Mindfulness is an important first step in developing greater self-awareness which can improve parenting confidence and parent-child relationships. Mindfulness during the perinatal period has also been shown to improve the ability to cope with anxiety, stress, and depression. Through becoming curious about our needs, expectations, and emotions we are in a much better position to be present for the needs and emotions of our children. This three-week group will incorporate information and practices with the goal of developing a stronger connection to your body, mind, relationships, and environment. Based on a framework that encourages curiosity and self-compassion we talk about the what, whys, and how’s of being mindful and application to understanding the needs of and responses to our children.

This group is appropriate to any parent seeking to:

  • Increase awareness of their inner dialogue, increase self-compassion, and respond with balance.

  • Support regular mindfulness practice including what and how skills.

  • Identify states of mind to support self-regulation.

  • Be guided by a simple framework to support meeting their child’s and their own needs.


Time: Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm–9:00pm (first session) and 7:00pm–8:30pm thereafter (AEST)

Location: Zoom (online video call)

Facilitators: Dr. Rebecca McStay (Clinical Psychologist) and Frances Bilbao (Clinical Psychologist and founder of Mums Matter Psychology)

Cost:  $105 (total for the 3 sessions). In the event of non-attendance fees are non-refundable. No Medicare rebate applies for telehealth groups.

What can I expect?

  • This will be a confidential, interactive group comprised of short educational components and group discussions, and experiential exercises.

  • You'll be asked to practice some skills between sessions and expected to do your best to attend all 3 meetings.

  • Maximum group size is 12 participants

  • In order for you to participate fully, children should be cared for by someone else during this time

Research base

This program is based on the Perinatal DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) Strong Roots Curriculum. It is an adaptation of Marsha Linehan’s DBT skills yet primarily focused on supporting birthing parents with an added relational and developmental lens.

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