Upcoming Events
Toddler Behaviour: A Positive Guidance Approach (Workshop/Forum)
Do you feel like you're always saying 'no' and yelling while your toddler yells in return?
Your toddler may behave in undesired ways for many reasons. Parents and carers may unintentionally contribute to the pattern of undesired behaviours, so let’s look at this a little differently and be the positive change that makes things better.
In this once-off 1.5 hour workshop (with Question & Answer), Louise Shalders will:
Discuss toddler emotional and cognitive development
Provide strategies for appropriate positive guidance for behaviour
Workshop your specific household challenges
The same event will run on a Thursday evening and a Saturday morning for you to choose the most suitable. Each session will have a maximum of 15 participants.
Date/Time 1: Thursday 6th September 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Date/Time 2: Saturday 8th September 9:30am - 11:00am
Location: Sunshine Maternal and Child Health Centre (31A Alexandra Ave Sunshine)
Cost: $30 per person
Your partners are also welcome to attend the event. Please book for 2 people if your partner is also attending. Children are also welcome - please consider your own ability to absorb information while attending to your child's needs.
Louise Shalders
Louise is an Early Parenting & Infant Health Consultant, who operates a private practice throughout Victoria. She has many years of experience working with families who are experiencing parenting challenges, including infant sleep and settling concerns, breast or bottle feeding issues and general childhood dietary needs, perinatal mental health disorders, toddler and preschool behaviour challenges … the list goes on.
Louise has qualifications in nursing, paediatrics, midwifery, maternal & child health, perinatal & infant mental health and is currently studying a degree in naturopathy.
As a consequence, Louise is sort after for student lecturing, speaking engagements, parent education sessions and mentoring.